Psychologist. Cognitive Therapist.
Hypnotherapist and IEMT Practitioner.
Kate Blackford
Psychologist, IEMT Practitioner, Master Practitioner Cognitive Hypnotherapy
Kate is passionate about working to help clients overcome the ripples of past trauma, low self-confidence and anxiety.
She enjoys working with adults of all ages and encourages their interest in how Cognitive Therapy, Hypnotherapy and IEMT work to help us shift the problems that limit us. Her flexible approach allows for each session to be tailored to specific client need for maximum benefit.
Kate is Neuro Divergent informed, calm, and has a practical, down to earth approach that enables even the most anxious client to relax into sessions and enjoy the process of understanding and change.
Specialist Areas
- IEMT (Integral Eye Movement) Practitioner
- Past Trauma and PTSD
- Imposter Syndrome
- Stress Management and Burnout
- Neurodivergance (ADHD)
- Increasing Self Confidence
- Loss of Identity/Gender Dysphoria
- Sleep Management
- PhD Organisational Psychology (University of Bath).
- BSc Psychology (University of Reading)
- Trauma and the Brain (British Psychological Society)
- Practitioner Cognitive Hypnotherapy (The Quest Institute)
- Certified Sleep Performance Coach (The Sleep Performance Coach)
- Practitioner Integral Eye Movement Technique (IEMT) (Holly Wincote)
Professional Organisations
- Member British Psychological Society
- Member National Council for Hypnotherapy
- Member IEMT Practitioners Association
- Member QCHPA (Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association)
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